The role of the Supply Property Management Office is to procure all necessary materials needed for daily operation of the College. The procurement process is governed by the R.A. 9184 otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. It is also responsible for the storage and disposal of supplies and equipment of the College. It keeps the inventory of property, plant and equipment and other necessary documents of Northern Bukidnon State College Campus.
Contact Info:
Activity | Person In charge | Detail/Work Instruction | Documented Information |
1. Receiving of delivered supplies, materials, and equipment (SME) | Supply Office Coordinator In-charge RIS External Providers | Receipt of delivered supplies, materials, and equipment (SME) | Delivery Receipt/Charge Invoice |
Supply Office Coordinator In-charge RIS External Providers | Checking of delivered items upon receipt. | Supplies Inspection From (SIP) | |
Supply Office Coordinator In-charge RIS External Providers | Preparation of Request for Inspection | Request for Inspection (RFI) | |
Property Inspector (IAS) | Inspection of delivered supplies, materials, and equipment (SME’s) | Inspection and Acceptance Report IAR) | |
In-charge RIS Supply Office Coordinator / SPMO | Acceptance of Inspected supplies, materials, and equipment (SMEs) | Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) | |
In-charge RIS | Provision of copies of IAR to RIS, COA, Accounting, at Budget | Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) | |
2. Issuance of supplies, materials, and equipment | In-charge RIS | Preparation of issuance documents *Requisition & issuance Slip (IRIS) * Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) *Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) | Requisition & Issuance Slip (RIS) Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) Property Acknowledgement Receipt |
In-charge RIS End -Users | Issuance of supplies, materials, and equipment to end-users | Requisition & Issuance Slip (RIS) | |
Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) Property Acknowledgement Receipt |
Activity | Person In Charge | Detail/Work Instruction | Documented Information |
3. Endorsement of Annual Inventory Schedule for all units and offices in the college to the property inventory and disposal committee and to be approved by the president. | Supply Office Coordinator Finance office representative/ PMS Head Faculty representative | Refer to COA Circular No. 80-124 | Approved inventory schedule |
4. Documentation of Inventory Schedule to the Units and Offices of the college. | Supply Office Staff | Memorandum from the office of the president on the inventory schedule | |
5. Actual Physical Inventory Taking | Property Inventory and Disposal Committee (PIDC) Supply Office COA Representative IAS | Refer to COA Circular no. 80-124 | Actual Physical Count of Property, Plant, and equipment (RPCPPE) |
6. Preparation of Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant, and Equipment (RPCPPE) | Supply Office | Refer to COA Circular no. 80-124 Government Accounting Manual (GAM) | Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant, and Equipment (RPCPPE) |
7. Certification on the report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment | Property Inventory and Disposal Committee/Supply Office | Certified report on report on the Physical Count of Property, | |
(RPCPPE) by the PIDC, College President and COA | College President Commission on Audit | Plant, and Equipment | |
8. Submission on the certified copies of the Physical count of Property, Plant, and Equipment (RPCPPE) to COA, Accounting Office and Supply Office | Supply Office | Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE) |