According to CMO no. 11 s.1999, the Teacher Education Program is missioned to produce quality and globally competitive educators. In addition, NBSC-TEP is aspiring to be a Center of Excellence in Teacher Education. One of the required competencies is to be produced at least a 75% school performance rating in BLEPT examination in three consecutive years, CMO no.55 s.2006. Thus, in fulfillment of the NBSC’s Institutional Goal that states “Foster students’ development of competence as professionals in the field of business, education, and information technology by providing appropriate facilities or technology and educational exposure in support of the academics”, this program is designed to maximize the number of board passers in TEP. The main purpose of this program is to increase the number of BLEPT passers in the Teacher Education Program. In line with this, is the conduct of an annual year-end comprehensive LET-like examination and a series of enhancement lectures to all first-year to the third-year and graduating students enrolled in the programs of TEP.
For Inquiries:
At the end of this program, the following will be produced:
NBSC aims at creating, establishing and publishing brands. Hence, this program adheres to it by labeling the three solid levels of the program with the following:
First Year Level:
UMOL: The formation Stage. In this stage, the students are subject to the formation of key concepts and ideas. Hence, students will learn basic topics of the General Education, Professional Education, and Major courses. The enhancement lectures will tackle the fundamental topics, definitions, and basic principles of the first-year courses. The enhancement will start by conducting a 50-item test to be followed by evaluation through rationalization
Second Year Level:
BAID: Mastery Stage. In this stage, the students are honed and geared towards learning the complexity of the subject matter under the General Education, Professional Education, and Major courses. The enhancement lectures will cover the first year courses plus the second year courses. The enhancement will start by administering a 50 item test to be followed by checking/rationalization.
Third Year Level:
MANANAOG: The Topnotcher Stage. In this stage, the students are now protégée of what a board top placer is. Students in this level are exposed to the depth and profundity of the courses of General Education, Professional Education, and Major courses. The enhancement lectures will cover courses from the first year to the third year. The enhancement will begin by giving a 50-item test to be followed by rationalization.
Fourth Year Level:
PAGDUMDOM: LET Synthesis. In this level, the students are refreshed and renewed through undergoing a series of comprehensive enhancement lectures to be conducted by partner lecturers from other HEIs. Students in this level are restored with topics from the first year to fourth-year courses of General Education, Professional Education, and Major courses. The comprehensive enhancement will begin right after the practice teaching course and will end before the graduation rites. The enhancement -lectures will have a comprehensive LET-like examination, rationalization, series of lectures, and mock board exam and simulation of board examination as a concluding activity.
Each level precedes the other and is a prerequisite to its antecedent. Hence, the intensity of training increases as the students proceed to the next level. Therefore, the students will likely succeed in the BLEPT if the students go through the levels diligently.
The competencies required per year level are different. Thus, enhancement questionnaires vary on the professional education, major, and general education courses taken per year level.
To guarantee quality enhancement questions, the teachers handling general, professional, and major courses will be required to submit at least ten validated questions at the end of every semester. Test questions must be related to the subject taught and to be collected and consolidated by the BLEPT coordinator through the Program Head/s. Also, to secure the students’ attendance, every first semester’s enrollment, they will be required to accomplish and sign a commitment form between TEP Program Head and BLEPT Coordinator that they will participate in the program KALAMPUSAN.
In order to institute a strong and adept program, the BLEPT coordinator links to the enhancement lecturers and students by conducting an evaluation annually. This is to ensure that both the enhancement -lecturers and students are considered in continually improving this program.
Part of the program evaluation is the pakighimamator the kumustahan portion wherein participants and facilitators converse and are given a chance and time to express their thoughts and feeling towards the program and give their feedback.